Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 1: New baby. Her name is Ivy

The sun has set on Ivy's first full extra-womb day on Earth. 
 The first day is so cool! Her skin is magically smoothing out and literally cleaning itself.

She's opening her eyes and crying and mostly finding a breast to "slurse" (sleep and nurse).

We're in bed until Shaw comes around 3 that will be interesting for sure. Part of me wishes we could have just her for days, but part of me knows it will be a richer experience with Shaw. We'll have the mornings in bed while he's at school until 12:30 and I'm off work for a paid month of parental leave! Cheers to good the good benefits of my low paying higher ed job!

I'm on feeding and cleaning duty, but no chores, they can come after bonding. I'm laptoping when they doze in our room, which is lit well by a sunny day.

Laura said "I'm feeling things I've not felt in a while, like food going down into my stomach, which is not where it used to be, it's actually lower where it should be!"

The First Week 

Midwife says for the first week, visits under 30 minutes, only once a day for all folks, and for me not to leave Laura alone for long. Her mind and body are geared to be very near people the first week, even is she doesn't know it. Accept outside help for Shaw play dates, activities, school drops, shopping, but I can do the inside the house stuff to keep the visitors at bay.

Today was was mostly silent, wonderful, family bonding, with some cries and poop. 

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