We'd all changed Ivy's diaper together, during which Shaw held his ears while she cried. He started looking sad when it was done.
Shaw was a mess on the bed, crying. Laura was holding Ivy, who was crying. Laura was talking in that crazy way parents and toddlers can get into before the parent realizes that talking to a toddler like a sane and stable adult is crazy.
Shaw kept saying "I want in there!" and looking at Ivy nestled in nursing breasts. I took the baby so we could grant him a temporary visit to babyhood. As soon as I had the baby, he cried, "I want poppa!"
Hummm. So what he's saying, if I read this situation right, is "I want to be the baby."
Heavy. Laura and agreed to stop reasoning with him. I picked him up and hugged him and brought him downstairs. He escaped, grabbed two stuffed animals and went back upstairs to give them to momma. I got him and hugged him and said I knew it was hard to be a big brother, and it was hard for me too to have a baby sometimes and lose a part of momma for a bit. But that we'd be a family together soon and it would be great.
But, all first children are only children for a while! But we're built for handling siblings (or not), so I have faith that our species experience with situation will guide us through at an instinctual level, with some reading and research to help stay sensitive to it amid our modern world.
You are now required to wear a white shirt and tie, as well as black dress shoes and slacks (weather permitting) mon. - thurs. while at work. You must have one draw that has four set good white tee shirts, underpants and dark socks. This is required for employment. No exceptions except Fridays.