Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Baby Girl - incoming!

I'm starting this blog as an older dad (born 1966) who is expecting his second child - a girl, god willing and the creek don't rise! 

Laura is due Feb. 26, according to our midwife Mary Lawlor. We're having another home birth. I respect Mary's 20+ years of experience and concede that she'll probably be right. But, the less reliable 20-week ultrasound tech said Feb. 17th. I say Feb. 15.

Maybe that is because I turn 49 on Feb. 16. Also maybe it's because Laura seems ready to pop with comments like "I feel weird" and "I'm crampy."

And, she'll be done with her part time work as a paraeducator at a local public elementary school Feb. 13th. But since there's relatives coming in on the February 13th for dinner, and we're going to Brattleboro Vermont's famous Olympic qualifying ski jump is on Saturday February 14th and Laura has prenatal Yoga...I say the 15th!

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