Friday, February 20, 2015

The Wonder of Sheep Skin Fleece for Babies

Two words about real sheep fleece: "neutralize," and "urine."

Oh, and "temperature," "regulation."
Our recently reconditioned sheep fleece, with a dollar for scale.
When my wife first brought me to a farm in the woods near our town to buy a natural $120 real sheepskin fleece when our first child was about to be born, I thought she was nuts. That's was way too expensive! Although I did like how much it made me feel like a Viking when I held it.

But after using it with our son for months and months, with the inevitable leaky diapers, and not having it smell like a never cleaned gerbil infested nest, I was amazed. No wonder they've been used for thousands of years. Lanolin helps neutralize urine. Sheepskin regulated temperature in the cold and hot, and keeps it's insulating power when wet. And a recent study also found sleeping on animal skins can reduce asthma

We gently washed it with wool soap, every few months and air dried it. By the time our son was done needing it it was a little raggedty.

So, we just sent it away to be reconditioned, for $5.00, believe it or not! The shipping was 4 times that. and, its like new. 

We also broke out the co-sleeper I built to get ready for the baby, but that's another post.
DIY co-sleeper, attached by out of picture shock cord to bed.

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