Summary: So far so good with Republic Wireless's $25/mo plan.
I've been hating my 2-year contract smart phone companies for years. I'd had AT&T and Verizon and iPhone's and Android phones.
The idea of bonded servitude and bad customer service was only possible in a market that was immature had little competition of different plans. That is finally changing with companies offering different services and lower price plans with no contracts. Some companies are using your home wireless internet, and any other wireless internet, for voice when you're in range, which also saves fees of cell signal usage.
I've been watching the company Republic Wireless since they came out, but I was under contract. I finally made the Switch mid February when I had my papers to be a free man.
I got the $99 Moto X phone and $25 a month unlimited 3G text, phone and data plan. No contract. Ahhhh. And I can change plans from $5 a month to $40 a month, any month I choose.
Republic Wireless only has Motorola's Moto X phone, with four models to choose from. They use a hardware hack (modified hardware on the phone you can't change) to force the phone to use your home wireless internet, and any other wireless networks you go on at work or play, for voice, text and data. If there is no wireless, I think they use Sprint cellular.
So far, it's working fine. Some static on wireless sometimes. About the same signal with cell. I have terrible cell service my building, so now I have excellent service because I use the work wireless.
The Moto X is fine. I'd rather have an iPhone, but this will do. I am getting used to the little tiny icons on the top of the phone for text and message notifications, vs the red numbers on the apps themselves. The screen isn't as pretty as my ancient iPhone 4, but it's fine.
I'd really like a big Samsung Galaxy or iPhone, since I use my phone so much now for work. But I'd rather be paying $25 a month vs $50 to $70, be a free man, and not have to suffer bad customer service, and ad campaigns that I totally can't identify with from companies stuck in the 80s and 90s.
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